Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What happened?

It has been over a month since I have posted on this blog. I believe that is the longest gap I've ever left if since the start of 'thenameislois', in August 2013. There are many reasons why I have not been blogging as of late, and I thought I'd quickly explain why.

January was a roller-coaster of a month, probably because it was the beginning month of the year. If I'm totally honest, I just forgot and neglected the blog during that month.

School is at its hardest at the moment, and most nights after school I spend at least 2 hours revising, and have at least an 1 hour of normal homework. As I've mentioned before, I don't do the national curriculum. Every week we get tested, and the scores of those tests add up to our final scores at the end. Meaning, every week I am continually working toward my final grade. I naturally am a perfectionist and try my best in everything I do, and at the moment, I am gutted if I get less than a 96% on a test, thus putting me under tremendous stress and pressure, created by no one other than myself.

Another thing is, at the end of March, I'm attending a huge school conference. Basically, all the schools doing the curriculum I do, will be attending for four days to compete in events such as sports, photography, art, public speaking, ect. Art is my favourite subject, and I have never ever competed my art in anything. I thought this would be a good chance to enter my art. I have entered sketching, acrylics, pen & ink, and watercolour. As well as that, I will be memorising scripture from the Bible, and entering a female badminton competition. At the moment, all time that I'm not spending revising or doing homework, I am preparing for convention. Basically, at the moment, I have no time.

I just wanted to explain that this blog has been temporarily forgotten, but not permanent. I am hoping to come back soon with new and exciting posts. I am terribly sorry that I covered nothing of the fashion weeks, but hoping I will be more active by the time of the next one.

Thank you for your support.

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